My question to you, is there anything I'm missing here. At this point, I don't know where to look for further hints on what to do next. I'm using this build on a day-to-day basis and the sleep functionnality is vital to me. Now I won't lie, I feel like this issue is the final straw. 74.62 99.49 You Save: 24.87 (25 Spring Discount) Availability: Available for.

10:32:36 -0400 Kernel Client Acks Delays to Wake notifications: SDDR-113-BLK SanDisk SDHC Memory Card Reader Hi-speed Usb.
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10:32:36 -0400 WakeTime WakeTime: 7.509 sec We have the following SanDisk SDDR-113-BLK bulk manuals available for free PDF download. 10:32:36 -0400 WakeDetails DriverReason:XHC - DriverDetails: 10:32:36 -0400 Wake Wake from Normal Sleep due to XHC EH02/HID Activity: Using AC (Charge:0%) 10:32:31 -0400 Assertions PID 188(mDNSResponder) Released MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:02 id:0x0xd0000833f 10:32:29 -0400 Assertions PID 188(mDNSResponder) Created MaintenanceWake "mDNSResponder:maintenance" 00:00:00 id:0x0xd0000833f Sleep/Wakes since boot at 10:27:23 -0400 :0 Dark Wake Count in this sleep cycle:1 Pmset -g log | grep "Wake" returns the following: Id=520 level=255 0x8=BT-HID mod=, 19:00 description= owner=BNBTrackpadDevice Electronics online: Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card. Pid 143(coreaudiod): 00:11:43 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "_" Fishpond Fiji, Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card Reader (Static Pack, New, SDDR-113)Buy. Timeout will fire in 5400 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease Brand New – each unit packaged in a Special Anti-Static Protective bag.Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guide MicroMate for Secure Digital Cards supports SD and SDHC / Compact in design / Perfect as an extra set to carry around in your briefcase, purse, or keychain. Especially for our dearest customers we present the lowest price offers for exclusive Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card Reader (Static Pack, New, SDDR-113)! Become our client to estimate all benefits of great deals, discounts and last-minute offers for high quality Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card Reader (Static Pack, New, SDDR-113) that is usually on sale only at high prices! We take care of your budget and at the same time present a great deal you can’t miss since it offers the outstanding best buy discounts for Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card Reader (Static Pack, New, SDDR-113) only for a limited time! Sandisk MicroMate SD / SDHC Memory Card Reader (Static Pack, New, SDDR-113) Product Description